Thursday, February 24, 2011

Erick's writer's chair

The Avengers -- the biggest superhero group from Marvel Comics -- are about to film in a couple of months, but because they are still working on the script, no one knows what the story line is. Not even the Actors. This is crazy because the writers can do so much with this group of heroes. There are three big story lines -- all developed in Marvel comics, television shows, cartoons, and recent movies -- that I believe that can help begin the saga.
One big one was the battle between the Krees and the Skrulls -- a battle that MORE INFO HERE. Two Alien species that have been in war for a very long time and they used Earth as a battle field. Thats how the The Avengers -- the Hulk, The xxx, Thor, Ironman and ... -- get involved.

A second Storyline is With Loki, the step Brother of Thor, who uses his evil magic to control The Hulk, so that he can destroy Thor. The heroes then team up to help Thor, which later they become The Avengers.

The Thrid Story line that I would go with is Kang the Conqueror you travels from the future to the past during the Timeline of the Avengers and trys to conquer earth and become king. However, Kang must go through the avenger.

These are my Top three Story Lines for The Avengers. What do you think?

Blog Award Categories

Most Thought-Provoking Content
Best Voice
Best Use of Humor
Most Creative Design
Best Research
Most Informative

Priya / Christian / Nichelle / Tiara
Best Provocative Content (challenges the reader)
Pushes the boundaries in order to make the reader think;
Uses explicit material to make a point;
Pushes the reader beyond her/his comfort zone in order to make the reader think or make you want to act or to provoke a reaction in the reader

Best Use of Emotional Appeal (makes you feel)
Most Unique Topic

Ian / Eric
Best Humor
Most Prolific Writer
Best Writer's Bio (creates an appropriate ethos for the purpose of the blog)

Flor / Simon / Rich / Rebecca
Most Informative
Best Design
Most Thought-provoking (makes you think)

Topher / Lisa / Isa
Most Entertaining
Most Creative
Best Voice

Yin / Tommy / Sabrina
Best Design
Most Creative
Best Writer

Lela / Lisette / Susan / Prescilla
Most Informative
Best Writer
Best Use of Links

Shay / Greg / Robert / Keaney
Best Connection to the Reader (uses personal stories, writes in a way the reader can relate to)
Most Thorough Coverage of the Topic
Best Use of a Variety of Types of Posts

Rosanna / Daniel / Stephen / Natasha

Most Visually Appealing
Best use of Emotional Appeal
Best Use of Humor

Whitnee / Layloni / Alyssa / Jay

Best Writer
Best Visual Design
Best Overall

AK / Andrey / Shinsui

Best Visual Design (how well photos and pictures add to content)
Best Use of Links (how well links add to content)
Best use of Personal Writing
Most Provocative (challenges the readers' assumptions, pushes them past their comfort zone)

Vanessa / Amanda / Raenika / Michelle

Most Informative
Most Persuasive
Best Use of Humor
Most Inspirational

DeBorah / Lucy / Fikre

Most Detailed Writing
Most Creative
Most Attention-Grabbing
Best Use of Emotional Appeals to the Reader

Blog Awards Assignment

Part One

Prepare your blog for entry into the English 414 Blog Awards. Think about which categories you might compete for, and work to make your blog the best!

Part Two
Work with your group to:
A. Choose and/or create 3 - 5 categories for the awards.
Most Thought-Provoking Content
Best Voice
Best Use of Humor
Most Creative Design
Best Research
Most Informative

B. Read through the 414 blogs, looking for contestants for each category.

C. With your group, choose a winner, a second place, and a third place for each category.

D. Write a few sentencesfor each winner explaining why they won.

Thurs Feb 22 --
1. Organize your group (exchange contact info)
2. Pick categories that you want to work with (best content, etc).
3. Work on your blog!

Over the weekend:
Work on your blog. Aim for categories you think you could win.

In your group, nominate possible winners (at least six in each category).
Homework: work with your group to winnow down the list to three and pick a first, second and third place winner in each category.

Assign group members paragraph duty.

Thursday: Present the winners!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creating Labels for Posts -- How-to Article

A good blog will...

A successful blog will:

1. Inspire the reader -- write in an authentic voice, ground what you say in your own experiences, and in your own reading. Be open, be honest, be open-minded. Be curious, raise questions, raise awareness about new angles on the topic, new ways of thinking about the topic; take on contraversy -- be occasionally provocative, don't be afraid to challenge common assumptions (your own and the reader's). Frame your topic in a way that meets the reader's emotions or experiences, in a way that the reader can relate to or go, "oh yeah, I've always wondered about that, or I've never thought of it like that but that's totally true."

2. Continues a conversation on the topic. The opposite of a good blog in this regard is a textbook -- it's a monolog, not a dialogue. Monologues are boring. They are written in one tone, by one person, speaking to him/herself or to an audience that's so general as to be meaningless. So a blog should participate in a conversation by offering opinions on what others are writing and saying about your topic. Link to others who are talking about your topic. Create an interesting blogroll. Respond to others' posts, share others' posts with your readers, go deeper on a something another has written about, extend someone's ideas. Share new ideas and angles with your readers.

3. Will be visual creativity -- the visuals should explain a concept or reninforce the purpose or tone of the blogs.

4. Be interesting and entertain the reader; try to keep the reader's interest. Be up-to-date and relevant; be current on the topic (read what other's are saying). Share something that yoru readers' may not know. Use humor.

7. Establish credibility by showing that you read a lot ont he topic (blogroll, posts on what you've read, etc).

8. Defend opinions and ideas, show that the author knows what they're talking about by linking to other credible sources, and by admitting what you don't know, and always highlighting the limits of your knowledge.

9. Has breadth or depth.

10. The writing is effective -- organized (doesn't go off topic without a reason that is explained, uses a variety of posts toward a single or set of goals) not choppy (flows).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts about Writing -- 11:00 class

1. The hardest thing about writing is...
Finding inspiration
Getting started
Conveying what you mean
Finding a plot
Not being interested in the topic
Having confidence
Not repeating yourself
Being specific
Using grammar correctly
You can't use body language or tone or inflection to convey meaning

2. The difference between writing for school and writing my blog is...

Blog writing is free, liberating, it's about what we're interested in, it's writing for yourself and not just for the teacher. It's not evaluated.

School writing is tedious. It has to be structured, and it's on a topic that you don't like. It's what you have to do, not what you want to do.

Blogs are in our own voice. School writing, the voice is formal, no vulgarity, no slang.

You can't combine blog writing with school writing because the tone will be wrong. You can't be creative when making an argument. If school tone is used on blog, the blog will be boring. Not fun. Not juicy.

If you a blog voice in school writing, it would be seen as inappropriate. Depending on the topic, the teacher would say it's okay to be more informal at the beginning but for the main paragraphs, you can't do that. You ahve to cite your sources in a certain way.

School writing isn't for everyone. Blog writing can be your own, so everyone can find a way to like it. Blog writing is more personal.

School writing is based on criteria and standards. It's more rigid, less room for exploration, tangents, questions.

School writing is graded; blog writing is not.

School writing is consistent -- it all looks the same. Blog writing is varied and unpredictable.

Reasons we don't like school writing:
A. Don't know the topic or don't care about the topic
B. Don't like analyzing and summarizing things in books
C. Not interested enough in the topic to write a certain number of pages

WAIT: We ARE interested in topics. We don't like the restrictions, the evaluations, the guidelines, the stifling. School writing makes things boring. School assignments require that we leave ourselves at the door.

3. The most important features of good writing are...
4. My biggest strengths as a writer are...

5. My biggest challenges as a writer are...

6. My top five questions about writing in school are...
A. How do you elaborate on topics? How do you know which facts to put in and which to leave out?
B. How do you come across as someone who knows what they're talking about?
C. What do professors (me) think about student writing? What does Prof Trainor think students' biggest flaws are?"
D. Who grades the JEPET ?
E. What does it take to pass the JEPET?
F. Why is the student's sense of good writing so different from teachers'?
G. Why is MLA and APA format so important?
H. Writing is subjective so how can it be graded?
I. Does learning school writing help on the job?
J. Wouldn't it be better if we had a wider audience, not just the teacher? Does writing for the teacher make our writing worse?
What's teh difference between creative writing (novels, etc) and school writing?
Do teachers really read all the writing assigned?
What are students doing wrong???
Do teachers care?

7. My top five questions about writing in general are...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thoughts on Writing -- 12:30 Class

1. The hardest thing about writing is...
Coming up with ideas
Getting started - writing first sentences
organizing it
staying focused
selecting audience (understanding audience)
getting your thoughts into words
fulfilling the length requirement (LOTS of agreement with this one!)
writing for a professor, meeting a professor's standards (every teacher is different, you have to adjust yourself to their expectations, some are casual some are formal; they all focus on different things and care about different things)
Being interested in the topic
Getting over boredom
Making it flow
Starting to tell a story, how to tell a story
Having confidence in what I'm doing -- always feel like it should be better

2. The difference between writing for school and writing my blog is...
School is structured -- there's a "type" (analysis, argument) but blogging is varied -- there's lots of different types of posts

blogs are on topics that we enjoy. For school, I have to go to the library, whereas I can just have fun Bwiht my blog. It's mine. I'm not turning it in.

With the blog, i don't fear research. We're interested in the topic.

For school, we're graded. With our blogs, we aren't graded, we just have readers who either like it or don't. For school, there's only one reader who plays an evaluative role.

Blogging feels less like an assignment and more like a hobby.

Blogging is more informal; if you're writing for a professor, it has to be proper Engish.

The blog opens it up so we're bringing our topic to the readers. With blogging you can be more creative. You can bring your point across, but you have multiple ways of doing so.

School writing is not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be work. Learning is not fun, as we've experienced it.
Learning is not fun because: it's too competitive and it wears us down. Teachers are joyless (possibly burned out themselves). Evaluation (which requires regurgitation) drains fun from learning. Too much evaluation. Too much busywork. Too many requirements, outcomes, too much pressure from the economy, morale is low right now.

3. The most important features of good writing are...

4. My biggest strengths as a writer are...

5. My biggest challenges as a writer are...

6. My top five questions about writing in school are...
What really constitutes an A essay? Who decides and how?
Why do we have to read books, but our writing is totally separate from that? We don't get to write like "real" writers -- like what we read?
In the real world, do we need to know how to write a "school" essay? If not, why is this the only writing we do?
Who reads JEPET? How do they score it? Does JEPET help (NO)?
Are teachers required to stay up to date on research in education?

7. My top five questions about writing in general are...

Thoughts About Writing

1. The hardest thing about writing is...

2. The difference between writing for school and writing my blog is...

3. The most important features of good writing are...

4. My biggest strengths as a writer are...

5. My biggest challenges as a writer are...

6. My top five questions about writing in school are...

7. My top five questions about writing in general are...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Greg's Writer's Chair

1. Items to avoid (they don’t break down, they can’t be recycled, they’re really bad for the environment, etc)
2. Is trash big business?
3. Information about landfills – nwhere are they? What are the repurcussions? Are there alternatives?
4. Better ways to do packaging, -- items to avoid for packaging
5. News article – current events re: recycling and trash issues
6. Individuals who collect recycling – how much do they make?

Writer's Chair -- Whitnee's blog

Blog post ideas for Whitnee’s Fashion Corner:

1. Critique of “expert” fashion advice or statements about what’s in or best dressed
2. Fashion cycles – things that were in, then out, and are back in again. Why does happen? 80’s ?
3. Posting photos of everyday fashion do’s and don’ts (anonymous of course!)
4. Trends to watch for
5. Men’s fashion -- ?
6. Who decides what’s in – research on fashion industry, history…? How trends get started?
7. Psychology of fashion

As I stand at work waiting for customers to come in and shop, I am contemplating what I should share with you all. WHAT MIGHT YOU SHARE OR ARE YOU THINKING OF SHARING? I check what is new in the fashion world on the New York times website, visit Glamour magazine's page, and then Lucky magazine's. Each spot leaves me uninspired, -- QUICKLY SAY WHY -- but then I remember to check the Vogue website. As I navigate my way through the webpage, I notice a new feature, The Social Shopper. I click on the words, curious about what The Social Shopper could be. The page loads, and in front of me is a picture of actress Hallie Steinfeld from True Grit, she is wearing a colorful dress, and next to her picture is a sketch of a woman wearing a similar striped number. As I scroll down I come across some writing that talks about how Vogue does not just acquire their fashion information from the typical places, but from fashion bloggers such as myself! QUOTE VOGUE? I find it somewhat thrilling to know that Vogue listens to what everyday people have to say about fashion. As I continue to scroll down further I find ten items that Vogue suggests on how to wear stripes in everyday styles. The whole point of The Social Shopper is to help women translate fashion that they see on the runway, television, or other places into ways that they can wear them without seeming too far out there. I love this idea, because so many times I will see something, but think I could never get away with that. PUT SOME PICTURES HERE! However, Vogue has saved one of my many fashion problems, and hopefully one of yours too

It is hard to say when fashion began, a thousand years ago, two thousand, probably even further. Either way fashion is here, and here to stay, but who says what is fashionable? I can not say what is fashionable, but I can say what I think is fashionable. At a young age I began to take notice of what was in style, even if I was forced to wear my sisters hammy downs. As a college student on the San Francisco State campus I am introduced to many forms of fashion. On Whitnee's Fashion Corner blog I am going to attempt to break down fashion, and help you better understand that fashion is not limited to the big city.
Each season "someone" claims what the new "in" item or items are, for example I just heard that light denim is now in for the spring season, I find light denim gross, but that is just me. Vogue magazine has posted on their website the top ten best dressed for the week, and it got me thinking who picks these top ten style winners? Obviously, the people at Vogue make the final decision of the top ten, but who says that they know what style is? On the list, no where is there a reason as to why the ladies or gentlemen made it to the top ten. So style is a personal opinion, some people may love light denim tops, as said above I think it they are hideous, so hopefully this blog will help give you an insight to fashion, and into my personal fashion opinion. Please comment and let me know what you think, I am open to change!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Priya's blog -- writer's chair notes

1. Use more visuals. For example, put an image of the blurriness, etc.
2. Link to trailers or official movie sites.
3. List some statistics on profits from 3D movies, # of 3D movies
4. Add some complexity to the argument about 3D -- some movies are enhanced by 3D (POTC4) and some don't really need it
5. Naybe put description of what the blog is about in general
6. Add a blogroll somehow??
7. Move the profile up

When I go to the movies now adays, I see the newest trailers for the coolest upcoming films -- NAME MOVIES HERE AND PROVIDE LINK? -- and I enjoy them immensly. I LOVE THE XXX and the XXX... But now they are all coming out in 3D. SINCE 2009? THE NUMBER OF 3D MOVIES HAS INCREASED BY ?? PERCENT. MOST MOVIE REVIEWERS HAVE TAKEN NOTE. AS XXX WRITES IN..(PUT A QUOTE THAT IS EXCITED ABOUT 3D).

Now as a movie goer I have seen a couple of 3D movies and I do not see what the big hype about it all is because watching a movie in 2D is less expensive and has better quailty in my opinion. MORE ON WHY YOU THINK THIS.

The one mmovie the article WHICH ARTICLE --NAME THE AUTHOR -- mentions is Avatar which I happened to see in 3D, during the movie I would take my glasses off and could see the movie with the main character's faces just the background was blurry.

A couple of times during the film I would get a slight headache from watching wearing glasses. SOME MOVIE GOERS ARE STARTING TO NOTICE THAT 3D MAY ACTUALLY BE BAD FOR YOUR EYES This article mentions if 3D is bad for your eyesight especially if you aren't used to wearing glasses.

3D movies are becoming a growing phenomenon and will continue to be around for the next several years, but the question remains, is 3D really worth the hype and money? Stay tuned for that answer in my next blog.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to search for online sources on your topic

1. Ne York Times. Find the section on your topic, and put that page in your blog roll. Also, search NY Times for articles

2. Use

3. Look at online magazines on your topic