Thursday, February 3, 2011

Priya's blog -- writer's chair notes

1. Use more visuals. For example, put an image of the blurriness, etc.
2. Link to trailers or official movie sites.
3. List some statistics on profits from 3D movies, # of 3D movies
4. Add some complexity to the argument about 3D -- some movies are enhanced by 3D (POTC4) and some don't really need it
5. Naybe put description of what the blog is about in general
6. Add a blogroll somehow??
7. Move the profile up

When I go to the movies now adays, I see the newest trailers for the coolest upcoming films -- NAME MOVIES HERE AND PROVIDE LINK? -- and I enjoy them immensly. I LOVE THE XXX and the XXX... But now they are all coming out in 3D. SINCE 2009? THE NUMBER OF 3D MOVIES HAS INCREASED BY ?? PERCENT. MOST MOVIE REVIEWERS HAVE TAKEN NOTE. AS XXX WRITES IN..(PUT A QUOTE THAT IS EXCITED ABOUT 3D).

Now as a movie goer I have seen a couple of 3D movies and I do not see what the big hype about it all is because watching a movie in 2D is less expensive and has better quailty in my opinion. MORE ON WHY YOU THINK THIS.

The one mmovie the article WHICH ARTICLE --NAME THE AUTHOR -- mentions is Avatar which I happened to see in 3D, during the movie I would take my glasses off and could see the movie with the main character's faces just the background was blurry.

A couple of times during the film I would get a slight headache from watching wearing glasses. SOME MOVIE GOERS ARE STARTING TO NOTICE THAT 3D MAY ACTUALLY BE BAD FOR YOUR EYES This article mentions if 3D is bad for your eyesight especially if you aren't used to wearing glasses.

3D movies are becoming a growing phenomenon and will continue to be around for the next several years, but the question remains, is 3D really worth the hype and money? Stay tuned for that answer in my next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Now a days every movie that comes out people can see it in 3D. I saw "Avatar" in 3D it was pretty impressive but if a person has a high definition tv the effect can be the same. I only see movies in 3D when it comes to animated films like "Up" and "Tangled". It is not worth the money most of the time. It is another way for movie theaters to generate money and keep up with the growth of technology these days.
