Part One
Prepare your blog for entry into the English 414 Blog Awards. Think about which categories you might compete for, and work to make your blog the best!
Part Two
Work with your group to:
A. Choose and/or create 3 - 5 categories for the awards.
Most Thought-Provoking Content
Best Voice
Best Use of Humor
Most Creative Design
Best Research
Most Informative
B. Read through the 414 blogs, looking for contestants for each category.
C. With your group, choose a winner, a second place, and a third place for each category.
D. Write a few sentencesfor each winner explaining why they won.
Thurs Feb 22 --
1. Organize your group (exchange contact info)
2. Pick categories that you want to work with (best content, etc).
3. Work on your blog!
Over the weekend:
Work on your blog. Aim for categories you think you could win.
In your group, nominate possible winners (at least six in each category).
Homework: work with your group to winnow down the list to three and pick a first, second and third place winner in each category.
Assign group members paragraph duty.
Thursday: Present the winners!!
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