1.When is it due?
Due Date: The Last Day of Finals -- May 20th. If you finish it early, you can turn it in early. I encourage you do this!
2. What am I turning in?
An electronic portfolio. A set of links to your work, that you can email to me.
1.Link #1 -- your finished blog
2. An attachment (OR a print screen OR a website) where you put your homework, comments on other blogs, email consultations with me, and your cover memo to me (see #3 below). Organize this somehow -- use headings to tell me what's what; label things!
#3 A cover memo to me, telling me what to notice in your blog, what you feel your strengths as a blogger are, any posts you want me to read in particular, what you learned from this class and/or experience of blogging.
3. What does my blog need to get an A?
* Engagement -- You need a solid number of posts, a variety of posts, posts that show your engagement with the topic and the blog itself.
* A sense that as a blogger you are participating in a larger conversations with other writers on the internet. (blog roll if you're using blogger; if tumbler, use followers). A post or two responding to others' writing.
* A sense that you are intellectually engaging in your topic -- looking at some of the deeper issues or controversies or history of your topic.
* Visual experimenation and creativity.
When will our final grades be up?