Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Susan's Writers Chair

Ah, its Valentines Day! For me this confection-filled heart-shaped day is no different from any other. But for those of you in romantic relationships, temptations abound. By that I mean of course food -- chocolate, pasta at cozy Italian restaurants, rich desserts at romantic get-aways, boxes of Godiva candy. A few tips on navigating your Valentine's Day if you're on a strict diet, like me:

1. invite your significant other to join you in a 30min cardio-work out sometime in the morning. You'll be burning calories throughout the day;
2. eat Dark Chocolate if you must -- it's healthier than milk chocolate and good for your heart [insert picture of valentine heart here? ]
3. try to have dinner as early as possible, even if its 5pm. This not only gives you time for romance later but also gives your body time to burn the calories you consumed;
4. order Seafood and Vegetables -- grilled,steamed,or smoked -- and avoid carbs as much as possible. Or, choose a salad as an entre. Save the calories for heart-shaped desserts later.
5. for dessert, choose fresh strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. If you must devour that tirmuirsu or red velvet cake then SHARE IT with only 1 order. It's more romantic, and less caloric.

A huge misconception about dieting is that we must be super strict and never cheat. We assume that a diet means.... We assume that dieting will never work unless.... We assume ... Well giving our bodies a "cheat" day, with an exception of making smart cheat choices is completely fine! Studies have shown that... OR AS SO AND SO WRITES IN HIS / HER ARTICLE... Of course, eating a cheeseburger or pizza is obviously not a smart cheat choice. The real reason that we can make small tweaks and exceptions in our diets, is to throw your body off. Afterbeing on an extensive diet, sometimes your body needs that resistance and reminder of the fatty foods it once craved, which in turn will have no affect on you and only make your discipline stronger. So I hope you learn from this blog that allowing your body to eat bad, for 1 MEAL (not an entire day) is okay. Of course this treat should only be awarded once a month with a good work out regime.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I agree I do not need all that crap, I would rather live a long healthy life with my mate. But on the other hand some mates loook for that day. for some they get to bragg about their new diamond, for others it's the usual Valentime's day choclates and roses. Some for the young loves in the world have your day,however think about do you want to live a long healthy live or play russian rolate with their health.But then I am a mature adult so this works for me. Although others may see this different,and that ok.
